Cancellation information

How to cancel

Cancelling your membership is easy. All you have to do is email to inform us that you wish to cancel. When you do, provide us with your membership number (which can be found on your card). In addition, cancel your Direct Debit instruction with your bank (the instruction will come under the name of Hull Culture and Leisure).

What happens to your membership if you fall ill or pregnant

For customers who have to take time off from the gym due to a long-term period of illness or injury or are pregnant, we have options to place your membership on pause. Our reception staff are more than happy to advise in these circumstances or you can email for further information.

Are there really no contracts or charges?

Absolutely. We have no hidden charges for cancelling or signing up, and there are no contracts so you can cancel at any point with no obligation at all. Our commitment to you as a customer is to give you an affordable and flexible membership.

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